One significant benefit of membership in PANNY is the privilege of joining and participating onour listserv. Typically, the listserv has postings that contain questions for the group,announcements of relevant opportunities, recent press about psychological issues, and requestsfor referrals.
Many messages are sent and received on the list each year, most of which are informative, helpful,worded politely, and clearly relevant to PANNY’s focus on advancing psychology as a science, as aprofession, and as a means of promoting the welfare of the people of Northeastern New York.
Unprofessional behavior is defined as any behavior that may be construed as being unsupportive of ordisrespectful to listserv members or creating a hostile environment. Examples of unsupportive ordisrespectful behavior or behavior that contributes to the creation of a hostile environment include,but are not limited to: hostile or sarcastic responses to a list member’s posting; negative remarksabout a list member’s character or motives; repetitive postings; postings that contain statements thatdistort or misrepresent an event; postings that clearly address a relational issue with a specific listmember; postings that are not obviously relevant to the purpose of the listserv.
Constructive criticism and dissenting positions are not considered “unprofessional behavior.”Comments that express a negative evaluation but which do not explicitly offer alternative resourcesor a helpful course of action or do not ask for engagement are considered unsupportive ordisrespectful. Some examples are cited below. These examples are not all-inclusive.
To assure that subscription to the listserv is a positive experience, violators of the listserv guidelines will be subject to the following sanctions, listed in order of increasing severity:
We intend to keep the PANNY listserv unmoderated. All members can post messages directly to the list. Infractions of the listserv rules, therefore, will be addressed only after the fact.
Currently, Listserv Moderation is not a viable option for PANNY as 1)subscribers may take offense and threaten legal action, 2) if a list is moderated, then the moderator might approve an allegedly libelous statement,resulting in legal risks and/or significant annoyance to the moderator and 3) it is unfair to ask a volunteer, such as a listserv moderator, to take on this added level ofresponsibility and risk.
Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these principles that will help us maintain a supportiveprofessional community.